st Nicholas Business Club logo on marble

Operating Rules of ‘St’ Nicholas Business Club’

Guidelines are designed to ensure the smooth operation of the St’ Nicholas Business Club, as well as to promote the health, safety, and positive experience of all those who use its facilities.

Management of the St’ Nicholas Business Club intends to maintain and implement these rules to ensure that all members receive all the courteous services and benefits to which they are entitled as members of the St’ Nicholas Business Club.

The members must follow these rules at all times. We consider these terms as operational rules and intend to make certain that they are implemented accordingly. In case of a violation of these rules, the management of the St’ Nicholas Business Club may impose sanctions on the offenders and in some cases prohibit their access to the facilities.


The name of the club is St’ Nicholas Business Club (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Club’).

It is a private club and the eleven-member Board of Directors of the ‘St’ Nicholas Business Club’ are administrators.

Official headquarters are located at Platwnos 13 and Bouboulinas 23, 185 35 Piraeus.


The daily operation of the club is determined by the eleven-member Board of Directors of the St’ Nicholas Business Club (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Administrators’). The operating days agreed upon by the Administrators of the club are Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The club’s operating days and hours are subject to change, such as in the case of events. The club may close for a period or during public holidays, for cleaning, or maintenance, or for any other justifiable reason, providing timely notice to the members.


St’ Nicholas Business Club is a closed club for members only and was created to be a meeting and collaboration space for businesspeople, professionals, and experts, not only from the Maritime, Technological, Medical, and broader business world but also members of the Political and Academic community.

Individuals who act in any of the aforementioned fields or related circles are suitable candidates for our club, which aims to provide a friendly and comfortable atmosphere where members and visitors can socialize, develop friendly bonds with other members, hold professional and friendly meetings, participate in the activities and programs organized by the club, such as lectures, educational seminars, speeches, presentations, etc., organize activities in consultation with the club’s administrators, work, and relax equally.

Moreover, St’ Nicholas Business Club may offer catering services, such as meals, refreshments, coffee, and drinks, to serve its members.


References to the name of the club may be requested, initiated, or disseminated only with the prior written consent of the club’s administrator. Without the prior written consent of the club’s administrator, no reference to the name or on behalf of the club is allowed, nor is the name or emblem of the club to be used for any purpose.


By completing and submitting the membership application, you agree to follow the club’s rules.

Applications for new members will be thoroughly reviewed and must be approved by the President, as well as by two members of the Board of Directors, as members who wish to join our business club must meet certain specific criteria.

More specifically, they should be individuals with professional recognition, ethics, and willingness to contribute, actively participate in the social and philanthropic events organized by the club, and be able to support the spirit and philosophy of St’ Nicholas Business Club.

In case your registration application is accepted, you will receive confirmation via email. After acceptance notification, each member must proceed with the payment of their annual membership fee.


Members are encouraged to propose new members for registration in the club to enable it to grow and strengthen, creating harmony and collaboration among the members, finding ways to unite the group, and contributing to the work of the club, but primarily of all benefiting society.


The annual membership will commence on the day the respective membership fee is paid and will expire at the end of each calendar year. Memberships are payable until the 31st of March of each calendar year.

Membership enrollment is not automatically or silently renewed, and the club administrators continuously monitor and oversee membership renewals.

The cost of enrollment/membership is determined by the eleven-member Administrative Council. If the cost for membership renewal is modified, members will be notified within a reasonable timeframe.

Should any member become overdue in paying their membership fee for a period exceeding two months after the 31st of March of each calendar year, the Administrative Council will send a payment reminder. If this reminder goes unheeded, the member will be permanently removed from the club.


Every member has the right to request their written removal from the Club, provided any financial obligations have been settled, by submitting a withdrawal statement addressed to the Administrative Council.


Upon arrival at the club’s premises, members are required to present their membership cards as well as their identification cards to the club’s reception. If a non-member presents a membership card, their entry to the club will be prohibited, and the membership of the individual whose card was used may be suspended or even terminated.

If your membership card is stolen or lost, you must immediately inform the club’s secretariat via email at


The ability of members to invite visitors or guests to the club is limited. Each member has the right to bring up to three visitors or guests to the club. Additional visitors or guests may be permitted in special circumstances, subject to approval by the Management.

Members are responsible for the prompt behavior of their visitors or guests, as well as for any outstanding expenses incurred by them at the Club. Members must be present with their visitors or guests throughout their stay at the club.

Entry of visitors or guests to the club is prohibited if the visitor or guest has submitted an unsuccessful membership application, has been expelled as a member, or has financial liabilities to the club after their membership status has not been renewed.


Entry into the club by individuals under 18 years old is allowed only with the approval of the management and solely for the children of members, who must be accompanied by the member-parent. Members are responsible for the behavior of their children. Members’ children are considered visitors or guests.


Members, as well as their visitors or guests, must always wear appropriate attire that suits the prestige upheld by the club. In cases where a member or their visitor or guest is not appropriately attired, entry to the club may be denied. The club’s management expects all its members and visitors or guests to appear in suitable attire that matches the style of the club. Specifically, clean-looking athletic shoes and jeans without rips or tears are allowed. Flip-flops, shorts, torn jeans, and generally sporty clothing are not permitted.

Members are responsible for informing their visitors or guests about the club’s dress code and ensuring that they adhere to it.

Dress Code for Special Events
(a) Cocktail: We recommend a suit or a stylish blazer with trousers/skirt and an appropriate shirt. The use of a tie or bow tie is optional. A chic cocktail dress, striking trousers, or a jumpsuit. Suitable footwear.

(b) Formal / Black Tie: For gentlemen, a suit or tuxedo paired with a tie or bow tie is essential. For ladies, we recommend an elegant evening gown. Appropriate footwear.

Event Organization
The entire Club or certain spaces of it can be used by members for private events. Various types of events can be organized in the club such as corporate parties, seminars, Board of Directors meetings, professional meetings, speeches, lectures, conferences, awards, etc.

Members can organize special events in specific areas of the club by coordinating dates, times, catering, drinks, and all event details with the club management. The hosting members must adhere to all club rules. The club management and the members who would like to host an event will jointly sign a private agreement, which is in addition to the club’s rules.

Each member who would like to host an event can determine the privacy rules within the event’s space with the consent of the Club Management. Specifically, the privacy rules concern recording, photography, videography, media coverage of the special event (live, print, or digital), social media, or any other medium.

The advertising material of the members hosting the event can be placed on the club’s property only with the prior written consent of the club’s administrator.


Payment can be carried out by cash, debit cards, or bank deposit and must be made at the time of the event.

A member or any accompanying visitor is not obligated to pay if they do not receive the official legal document (receipt or invoice) (Consumer Order No. 4/28-11-2012).


At the Club, we have carefully selected an experienced and high-quality staff team. Member comfort and exceptional experience are our main concerns. We expect our members to treat the club staff with dignity and respect.


The club management provides reservations and tables at its discretion. Canceling reservations with less than 24-hour notice is not recommended. In case a member is late for 30 minutes or more after the specified time, the reservation may be canceled. In the case of dinner reservations or private event reservations, depending on space availability, there is no limit to the number of guests. The club’s menu is posted on the current website and can be found by selecting here.


Although alcoholic beverages are available at the Club and are an integral part of the member’s experience, we expect all members to control their consumption and refrain from unacceptable behaviors as a result of alcohol consumption. We reserve the right to refuse the offering of alcoholic beverages to members or accompanying visitors who appear to be under the influence of alcohol. The club’s alcohol service will comply with all state and municipal laws, rules, and regulations, including the appropriate drinking age. Without explicit permission from the Club Management, no drink is allowed to be brought into or removed from the premises.


Smoking is not allowed on the club premises. Members and accompanying visitors who choose to smoke any tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, etc.) may do so only in areas designated by the club management, on the outdoor terrace, and outside the premises.


The Club enforces a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment. No member should engage in or condone acts or comments that introduce discrimination based on race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other comparable factor. Any member or accompanying visitor who is disturbed by any of the aforementioned behaviors is encouraged to contact the club management or any club representative. If members or visitors participate in such harassing behaviors, the club management is responsible for their notification, removal, or even prohibition of entry into the club.


The club places the highest priority on the protection of privacy and is committed to providing adequate guarantees for the protection of personal data being collected. This Privacy Policy provides information about the types of personal data collected through the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) or through the email addresses it maintains, the purpose of processing the data, the way these are managed, as well as your rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679, Greek law, as applicable, and the current Regulatory Acts of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.

The club collects personal data of members, such as name, surname, email and/or postal address, contact phone, etc., when and where required, directly from the subjects themselves who act voluntarily, and not through partners or third parties, specifically in the following cases:

i. When you fill out the membership application form, the online contact form, or send an email to the email addresses,,, or and enter data such as name, surname, email and/or postal address, contact phone, profession, etc. You are invited to voluntarily fill in the aforementioned personal data if you wish. Please note that the membership application includes specific fields that are completed where necessary to ensure that only necessary data is collected concerning their processing purposes.

ii. When voluntarily subscribing to the newsletter: you enter your email address to receive updates about events, programs, and activities of the St. Nicholas Business Club. The newsletter is sent via the ‘’ platform, which ensures the protection of email addresses and other personal data.

iii. When declaring participation and participating in philanthropic actions, social events, and in general, in the activities of the St. Nicholas Business Club. Specifically, in the case of minors, the St. Nicholas Business Club does not collect data from minors without the prior consent of their legal guardians.

iv. While navigating the Website, we collect data through cookies and the Google Analytics tool, aiming to improve the user experience and collect information about the visitation and type of pages navigated.

v. During your visit to the Website, the server records in a special file (logfile) your IP address, which constitutes personal data, even if we are unable to identify you based on it. Our log files help us record information about the type of browser you are using and other information, such as the date and time of your visit to the Website. The above data is stored for up to thirty (30) days to ensure the security of networks and information from accidental events or illegal or malicious actions that may jeopardize the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of stored data and the operation of the Website. During the thirty (30) day period, access to the files is only available to the authorized server administrator, and then the files are automatically deleted.

vi. When members access the special area of the website ‘Members Area – Members Only’, where individuals enter their data, such as name, email address, etc., as members are allowed access to special services, such as the St. Nicholas Business Club’s weekly event program, member photo albums, participation in club activities and actions, as well as to be informed about exclusive offers from the Incentive Providers of the St. Nicholas Business Club. For the Members Area – Members Only section, the following data is stored in the system:

Member number (unique user identifier) Password Email address Name Surname Phone number Language and Timezone (mandatory fields for the system but not used or displayed) The registration process starts through the registration form by the system user, entering the required details such as Name, Surname, Email, Phone, and all the necessary details to complete the application. Subsequently, the system administrator receives a notification of the new registration and activates the user, also entering the Member Number corresponding to them. The new user is informed about the activation of their account and can log in to the system using their username and password.

The club only collects only necessary personal data, according to the purpose for which they are intended, and does not subject them to any further processing in a manner incompatible with the purpose for which they were collected. The St. Nicholas Business Club does not transfer or transmit the personal data of subjects to any third parties, except in specific cases referred to restrictively below and always following the purpose for which they were collected.

The personal data we receive are processed for the following purposes:

i. To create a member account for the applicant and to provide the specified/requested contractual services.

ii. To communicate with you following your request, inquiry, or comment via the Website.

iii. To send you updates regarding the events and activities of the St’ Nicholas Business Club, as well as general activities upon your subscription to the newsletter.

iv. For collecting and utilizing requests, advice, and recommendations aimed at continuous improvement of the services provided in all areas where the St’ Nicholas Business Club operates (member service, catering, social and philanthropic events, etc.).

v. For maintaining a historical record and conducting statistical data regarding the operation of the St’ Nicholas Business Club, which are maintained in a non-identifiable format.

vi. For promoting actions and advertising them to the members of the St’ Nicholas Business Club and third parties, through various means, including print or electronic media, as well as through social networks.

vii. For public safety reasons, a closed-circuit system of monitoring cameras and recording areas operates at the St’ Nicholas Business Club, and there are informational signs in visible areas where cameras are installed, aiming at entrance control, member security, and protection of individuals and goods on the premises of the St’ Nicholas Business Club. Any personal data that may be collected through this system is deleted within fourteen (14) days.

viii. For the defense of the legitimate interests of the St’ Nicholas Business Club and its members, as well as the fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations and rights thereof.

Recipients of your data are the Board of Directors, authorized employees, and external associates of the St’ Nicholas Business Club, who act by order and on its behalf. All the above-mentioned natural or legal persons already have a contractual obligation of confidentiality and protection of personal data they may receive and/or process in any way, always following the purpose for which they were collected. The data collected is under no circumstances disclosed to third parties and is not disclosed or in any way subject to further processing, except as restrictively mentioned in this policy.

As an exception, the St’ Nicholas Business Club may disclose to third parties the personal data submitted for processing in a manner compatible with the processing purposes of this Policy in the following cases:

i. When explicit consent has been given for any form of disclosure of the subject’s data.

ii. When disclosed to third-party providers acting as Data Processors solely within the legal relationship they have with the St’ Nicholas Business Club, providing assurances that they adhere to the appropriate security measures according to the applicable legislation. Third-party providers may be natural or legal persons providing consulting or system development and maintenance services used by the St’ Nicholas Business Club.

iii. In compliance with a law or order of a public or Independent Administrative Authority.

iv. For the defense of legal interests and the fulfillment of obligations and rights of the St’ Nicholas Business Club and its members.

The present policy, posted on the Website, aims for the most effective protection of privacy. With utmost respect and full protection of the personal data we receive, monitor, and systematically evolve our policies and procedures and seek continuous improvement of our practices and the adoption of new internationally recognized best practices. Therefore, this Policy may be amended at any time and without prior notice, and for this reason, we recommend checking it regularly for any changes.


The Club maintains a strict policy for the protection of personal data for members and their accompanying visitors, except for special or hosted events. Members and accompanying visitors are not allowed to disclose or identify other members or visitors of the Club in any written correspondence, radio, television, or online news media. This includes social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, and personal blogs. With the exceptions listed in the “Event Organization” paragraph, this implies that sharing photos related to the Club’s facilities on social media is not allowed.


Events may be recorded by certain employees of the Club and photographers/videographers from time to time. If you wish to remain anonymous, please inform the Club’s management and choose a position away from the camera. We will do our best to protect your privacy and address your concerns. The Club’s management reserves the right to record, videotape, or photograph events and/or activities of the members for marketing, public relations, and other purposes deemed necessary by the Management.


Animals are not allowed on the Club’s premises


Members are required to enter and exit the Club premises discreetly at all times, as well as to ensure the peaceful entry and exit of their guests-companions, out of concern for our neighbors.


The club’s regulations must be followed by both members and their guests-companions. Members are called upon to make certain that their guests behave properly and according to the club’s regulations.

Members and their guests-companions are not allowed to use the address, telephone number, or emblem of the Club. Members and their guests are not allowed to use the name of the Club in written correspondence with the Press or the general public. Members and their guests-companions are not allowed to bring or order food or drinks outside the Club.

Club members are allowed to hold professional and friendly meetings and discussions. The promotion of religious or political beliefs is prohibited, as well as the distribution of unwanted marketing material to members or the posting of any announcements or advertisements that have not been previously approved by the Club’s management.

Except for events, members and their guests are not allowed to remain at the Club for more than three consecutive hours, unless approved by the Club’s management.

Photography in any part of the Club by members or their guests-companions is prohibited.

The management of the Club has sole access to information from the membership roster, including names, telephone numbers, and addresses, as detailed in the “Personal Data Protection Policy” paragraph.

The Club does not accept correspondence from members and their guests-companions.

If members and guests violate the Club’s regulations or exhibit inappropriate behavior, the Club’s management is responsible for informing them, which may include their expulsion from the Club premises.


Club members, as well as their guests-companions, can report any violations of the Club’s regulations or incidents of improper behavior in writing to the Administrative Board of the Club.

Every member of the Club can contribute to maintaining a high level of courtesy, respect, discipline, and order.

Suggestions for improving the Club’s services, decoration, management, or other proposals to enhance the overall experience of the members should be sent in writing to the Administrative Board of the St’ Nicholas Business Club.


The Club may revoke, supplement, or modify these rules at any time, and such revocation, supplementation, or modification shall be immediately binding on all Club members.

Become a St. Nicholas Business Club Member

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